Last time we checked in, our Father (Who art in barrels, hallowed be Thy Drink... Sorry, old habits die hard)... our father had come out from California to visit, and he, Jack, and I all went out to shoot together for the first time. Ever.
Okay. Now, it's three days later. We are again on Bardstown Road, but now it's nighttime. Time for Bardstown Road Aglow. It's cold, and the skies are dark, but BTR is a place of merriment (and cold). Strands of multicolored little points of light adorn everything, hanging from buildings, shrubbery, and various municipal fixtures alike. The street is busy, as busy as it tends to be during the day, for many of the shops, normally closed by now, are open, and thriving. The are people everywhere; in their cars, driving; walking up and down the road; in the shops conversing with friends, loved ones, and strangers, who don't stay strangers for long. The smells are of the holidays, and of people, but as we walked down the road, it's to the effect of travelling through an ocean of scents, the smells of gingerbread, spices, cigarettes, stews, salt on the road, all playing in and amongst each other, layered and complex at times, distinct and individual at others. It was slightly dazzling, and we were there to hang out, enjoy, and shoot. And shoot we did.
Here are the photos.
"Does This Belong To You?" Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Untitled" Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
The entire front of this building was strung up with these all-blue Christmas lights. I couldn't resist it with my 50mm.
"On Display" Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Un-Happy" Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Geometry" Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"What He Doesn't Know" Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"The Green Room" Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"She Was So Fast..." Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Unmentionables" Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Untitled" Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Something Interesting" Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Luck" Bardstown Rd. Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
I was going to write little blurbs about some of these photos, but I decided to just let them speak for themselves. I already laid out the basic story, these will just serve as what I saw while that story unfolded.
Tomorrow's post? Nashville, TN! Until then!
A nice walk down memory road with some terrific photos to rekindle those same memories.
ReplyDeleteGreat job and nice photos - they DO speak for themselves!
ReplyDelete@ Anon (I know who you are!): I look forward to the next time we get to make more. Keep shooting!
ReplyDelete@John (yes I know you, too): Thanks! Feel free to comment whenever the mood strikes. I enjoy hearing what other folks think.