When last I wrote to you, my father had just left to return to California. We had our final day out to shoot (for the time being, anyway), and I had used a lot of Big Lebowski quotes. Can't promise that if the opportunity should present itself I won't again...
Now, to finish out the year. All of these photos are from December of 2010. They range from shots in/around the house, to times when I went out for a walk to see what I could see. While there are some which I will add notes under, for the most part, this will be a photo-only essay of my life at the end of the year last year.
Photos after the break.
"Ms. (Panda)Moni(um)" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
This is Moni, short for Pandemonium. I believe I've introduced her before, along with our other kitty, Maynard. They're both... interesting cats, but Moni is definitely the little shithead (pronounce shih-theed) of the two. Always getting into everything...
"Jobs' Lines" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Ridge" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Untitled" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Disused Bike Redux" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Sole Survivor" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Steps" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Welcome" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Gnarl" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Color" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Driveway Lines" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Talker" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Home St." Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
Every one of these photos so far was taken within 50 feet of the house. I remember my dad telling me, when I first got serious about photography, that an exercise often given to beginner photogs is to take their camera into one room (i.e. the bathroom) and shoot a full 36 exposures. While this series was not all shot in our bathroom (duh), I was suck around the house for quite a while, and made the best of it. Sometimes it can be amazing what you will find just in front of your face.
"Breakfast Out" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"7359" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
It's not often we're able to go out to eat, but one place we can all agree on is Waffle House. Hailing from California, where there are no WHs (as far as I know), my only knowledge of the place was that you could get your hash browns "smothered," which I learned from a Bloodhound Gang song... That, and that they weren't that good...
Far be it from me to speak for ALL the Waffle Houses out there, but the one nearest us is clean, and the food is good, especially the hash browns. These last two are from a morning when we all loaded up into the car and went out for breakfast.
"Patience" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"To The Park V" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Winter" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Tools Of Childhood" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Playwurm" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
Often times, when we are at a loss for something to do, the kids and I will head over to the neighborhood park. This was one such journey.
"Maynard's Scream" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
She's rockin' out.
"At Unique" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Porch Kitty" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
As my dad said, "That's one tough pussy." And he has been proven right, time and again. This cat showed up early Fall of '10, and was skinny as a rail. Poor thing looked to be on the verge of starvation. So, being who we are, we fed her. She never left.
As you can see here, she did not stay so skinny for long. We kept a pretty constant supply of food available to her, which is now very tightly regulated. She sure did a good job of putting some meat back on her bones; that cat weighs 18 lbs if she weighs 1. She has gone through a number of different names, but the three which seem to have stuck are (in chronological order of naming) Sunset, Porch Kitty, and Jabba (after the Hutt).
She lives on the porch in an old dog kennel which wasn't being used anymore, lined and covered with blankets, and with her little scratching post inside. She is also quite the mighty hunter, bringing us "gifts" on a fairly regular basis (from mice and lizards to birds, which I'm still not quite sure how she's able to catch...).
"Wedge" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Photography, After The Fact" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Confusion II" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"One Man's Trash I" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Untitled" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"One Man's Trash II" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Grain" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Untitled" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
"Grounded" Louisville, KY. December, 2010. |
That was my life, December last year. Lots of being around the house, but getting out to shoot when I could.
Terrific posting! Many of these I've seen before, some I haven't (or can't recall). All a delight. So nice to see me quoted so much. I feel special. Look forward to more, and more on your Flickr, too! As always, you inspire.